Are you a fitness coach who loves to train clients, but at times feels like you might have hit the iron ceiling in your coaching career? Many business owners come across such a point at different phases in their careers. If you are considering the possibility of starting online fitness coaching, you should go right ahead. In this article, I am laying down an overview of How to start an online fitness coaching business in 2025.
Let’s dive right in!
Step 1: Decide your fitness training niche
An in-person trainer gets the chance to work with a wide range of clients. The reason is, that there’s a limited number of prospects in your vicinity whose budget aligns with the price range you offer. Hence, you seem to say “Yes” to anyone who wants to train with you.
In the virtual space. That’s not the case & location doesn’t seem to be a factor. Your potential client base is unlimited. But, let’s not forget about your competition too. You’re up against all the self-acclaimed fitness enthusiasts with single-digit body fat who’ve ever posed on a beach on Instagram.
Intimidated? Well, don’t be!
Let’s take a look from a slightly different angle. Suppose you get 50 people to want to land on their fitness journey with you, paying Rs. 2,000 a month, that’s 12 lakh a year. You don’t really need tens of thousands of followers & a massive marketing budget to land 50 clients. In fact, what you actually need is to find your niche where you have a clear advantage.
Read more about: How To Create and Launch Your First Course in just 15 Days!
Be mindful at this step. Choose something where you have achieved success, confidence, and has genuine expertise. Ask yourself a simple question, what kind of client your colleagues will send you?
Is someone struggling with losing fat? A new mom? A competitive sportsperson?
Now go deeper.
That’s the first step in figuring out how to start an online fitness coaching business in 2025.
Read more about - Unveiling the Coaching Philosophy: A Guide to Developing Your Own Personal Approach
Step 2: Sign Up on Graphy

Graphy is a popular online course platform that helps you create, market & sell online courses through an easy-to-use website builder.
At the outset, you need to sign up with Graphy by using your custom domain. For branding purposes, use a custom domain name that represents you. It’s easy & fun. You can reserve your domain name here.
That’s it. Just go to your Dashboard ‘Create a course’ & upload your content.
There is nothing complex about Graphy. Pretty much most of the stuff is self-explanatory. Plus, we have a ton of tutorials to help you get started.
Course Name
Choose a name that would attract your target audience. Settle for a simple, unique yet easy-to-remember name which speaks volume about what exactly is there.
Ideally, you should divide your course into smaller chunks. Each chapter would consist of a heading. Ensure that you use sensory words in your headings. This will ensure curiosity in your learners’ mind & make them look forward to the next chapter.
Video Lectures & Live Classes
Videos are one of the most engaging forms of content. Make sure you create video lectures coupled with plenty of live classes to address your learners live.
Step 3: Create a template with three or four training phases for each type of client
Most clients fit pretty well into some of the categories. In any setting, the workout schedule & plan for a 40-year-old man who wants to lose his belly fat will be pretty similar to the last one you wrote for that type of client.
Having a template doesn’t mean it won’t be personalised. Just keep improvising it overtime. Keep an account of what does or doesn’t work for this client. Develop a deeper understanding of your client’s goals & needs.
What would remain the same from client to client:
· Sets, reps, rest, and tempo will like to stay constant.
· Order of movement patterns.
· Workout schedule
What has to be customized likely will change from client to client:
· Specific exercises – The specific exercise may vary taking into account your client’s experience, skill level, age & physical condition.
· Grips or implements – Different people have different access to equipment and have different abilities and restrictions.
Step 4: Finding the right pricing structure
There is nothing “right” or “best” price as such. There’s only what’s best for you, your clients, and what makes sense within your business structure.
Some fitness coaches charge less because their businesses are set up for high volume. There are trainers who prefer to coach clients personally one to one and they know how to reach an audience willing to pay for it.
Here are some principles and strategies that you should consider while planning a pricing structure:
● Your income goals
● Your expertise, experience & brand value
● Time invested in creating & delivering your service.
My bit:
Take it one step at a time, without getting overwhelmed. But, take it seriously. Irrespective of what you choose, don’t rush into it. Be really good at what you do. Do your bit of research, understand the best practices, test several methods and always analyze your results.