Whether you are an entrepreneur, expert or thought leader, create your online course, as it has become as essential as owning a website or a business card.

It’s one of the most impactful ways to put your knowledge on the spotlight, at a global marketplace. By launching your own course you create your own scope to making a bigger impact for the greater good, and money, Of course!

If you want to Sell Online Courses from your own website or any marketplace, this article would give you a step by step roadmap into creating one.

Let’s dig in!

Pick up the RIGHT Course Topic to Create Your Online Course.

A great creation begins with the firm foundation. Once you decide to create your online course, Choose your course topic wisely. You must choose a topic which you are passionate about and people are willing to pay for. Don’t go for a topic which is too broad, your competition will be at its peak.

Rather, choose something niche. But, don’t end being too narrow. 
Example: Learn how to bake dessert without oven.

Define Learning Goals in Advance

Once you decide the course topic, get crystal clear on your course objectives. What exactly my learns would achieve by the end of the course?

Determine your learners’ outcomes in terms of skills learned or problems solved. It would attract the right kind of audience. Your learners would exactly know what they would achieve by the end of the course. 

Structure Your Modules and Course Plan

Once you do the rigorous search of the topic, you would have ideas piled up. Write them down. Don’t forget to jot down all the subtopics you would include in your course. Break them down even more. Now, its time to divide them thematically.

Put all those topics in a logical order and make a list. Take some time to structure them in the most engaging and creative way possible.

Determine the Most Effective Delivery Methods 

Once you know the syllabus & table of content, the next challenge is to make it available to the users in the best medium. Study your rivals. Study what your target audience is inclined towards. Figure out whether you will go for video lectures or text content or slide share, or a combination of all.

Plan out the whole content setting.

Getting into the Creation Phase.

Once you have all the steps planned out, the execution phase comes. Set out a target duration to complete the course creation process. Don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of the content you will have to create. Break them down into topics & sub-topics, they create them within your planned time frame.

The final step is to LAUNCH!

You can choose to launch them either on your own website, or some marketplace. With Spayee, we provide you with your own course selling platform, which you can trust with your business.

To know more, how to set-up your own branded education business, begin here.
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