Discord or Distraught? Finally, introducing...
A Discord Alternative for
Educators, Creators and Businesses
You don't own your members. It's not your brand. Discord is too complex for the average Joe.
Folks at these companies love the
Graphy Community experience
Graphy Community solves 3 key issues
Zero Learning Curve
Discord forces a new user experience upon you and your users. This leads to the need for (most difficult of all) a new behaviour. It’s VERY hard to change people’s behaviour.
You want to avoid that at all costs. It should be a last resort. This is why we (shamelessly) copied the user experience of the most widely-used apps.
Whether you are a creator, an educator or a business, you might want to monetize your community at some point (or even at the start).
The in-built Shop channel enables your members to buy anything from premium access to private areas in the community, content subscription, status-based roles, merchandise, etc
Graphy Community Platform allows you to run multiple communities, cohorts, or groups under one roof - with the same userbase.This allows you to transition from creating a one-off community to an all-in-one business.
Watch us in action
Book a demoNow, a detailed comparison
How does Graphy Community stack up against Discord?
The difference is in our DNA
We're content creators, teachers AND community builders.
And, we know how everything ties together to make a business.
We've been teaching online since 2018. We ran one of the world's largest educational communities from 2019-2021 and scaled to $500,000 revenue by selling cohort-based courses. We kept hopping from one software to another because the experience of actually using all available software is bad.
This led us to build Graphy community platform - an all-in-one platform to run your courses, cohorts, webinars, events, voice chat rooms, etc. - on mobile & web (100% white-labeled).
Featured in
Your branded online community on any device.
Book a demo and see how easy it is to get started.