Peepso is full of technical hassle. It's time to look for Peepso alternatives

A Modern Peepso Alternative

Graphy Community Platform gives you your own branded app, on mobile as well as web. Now run courses, community, livestreams, audio chat rooms, gamification & you name it - all under one roof.

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scenes platform

Folks at these companies love the
Graphy Community Platform experience

3 key differences that make Graphy Community Platform the perfect Peepso alternative

One platform to replace them all

If you think about your content & community as a serious online business, you'll find yourself tying together multiple tools (alongside Peepso).

This is hassle-some, both for you as well as your members. With Graphy Community Platform, do it all in one place. Moreover, Graphy Community Platform is 100% white labelled on mobile & web. It literally is "your own app" - no developers needed ever.


If you want your own white labeled app, Peepso charges you a bomb.

With Graphy Community Platform, you can have your own fully white-labelled mobile & web app starting at $299/mo. We're able to do this because of our fully automated app engine (spins out a custom app in ~30 mins).

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Now, a detailed comparison

How does Graphy Community Platform stack up against Peepso?

Graphy Community
Organize discussions
yes icon
yes icon
Private spaces
yes icon
yes icon
Rich posts
yes icon
no icon
Your own brand
yes icon
no icon
Content & resources
yes icon
yes icon
Member directory
yes icon
yes icon
yes icon
no icon
Online courses
yes icon
no icon
Curriculum Builder
yes icon
no icon
Quizzes Assessments
yes icon
no icon
yes icon
no icon
Chat rooms
yes icon
yes icon
Virtual Live Classes
yes icon
no icon
Events & Webinars
yes icon
no icon
1-1 messaging
yes icon
no icon
Discussion Forums
yes icon
yes icon
Email Notifications
yes icon
yes icon
Push Notifications
yes icon
yes icon
Zoom Integration
yes icon
yes icon
Community Coin System
yes icon
no icon
Coins for Actions
yes icon
no icon
Spend Coins
yes icon
no icon
Peer-to-Peer Transactions
yes icon
no icon
yes icon
no icon
Status Badges
yes icon
no icon
Paid memberships
yes icon
yes icon
Recurring subscriptions
yes icon
yes icon
Gate access
yes icon
yes icon
Stripe Integration
yes icon
yes icon
yes icon
yes icon
Personalized Onboarding
yes icon
no icon
yes icon
yes icon
Custom Domain
yes icon
yes icon
Single sign-on (SSO)
yes icon
no icon
Advanced analytics
yes icon
no icon
Unlimited Admins
yes icon
no icon
Roles & Permissions
yes icon
no icon
yes icon
no icon
Whitelabeled Notifications
yes icon
no icon

With Graphy Community, you get...

  • forums
    White labeled web and mobile app
  • calendar
    Schedule and host live classes
  • user profiles
    Split members into cohorts
  • anlaytics
    In-depth analytics
  • gamification
    Points system and rewards
  • chat and messaging
    Group Chat
  • chat
    Direct Messaging
  • voice bubbles
    Audio chat rooms

The difference is in our DNA.

We're content creators, teachers AND community builders.

And, we know how everything ties together to make a business.

We've been teaching online since 2018. We ran one of the world's largest educational communities from 2019-2021 and scaled to $500,000 revenue by selling cohort-based courses. We kept hopping from one software to another because the experience of actually using all available software is bad.

This led us to build Graphy Community Platform - an all-in-one platform to run your courses, cohorts, webinars, events, voice chat rooms, etc. - on mobile & web (100% white-labeled).

Your branded online community on any device.

Book a demo and see how easy it is to get started.

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