Secure platform
Best content
best security
Get top-notch security to protect your content from piracy and unauthorized access.

150,000+ creators trust Graphy's secured platform

No piracy, no revenue loss
Boost your sales 10x by securing your course content
Privacy at its core
Get the perfect online home for your courses, digital products & for your brand on onboarding
100% secure mobile apps
Secure mobile apps with offline access and piracy prevention.
Promote course
Secure videos with concurrency control, dynamic watermarking, and more

Get started with the most secured platform
Robust content security
Safeguard your content with login authentication, encryption, DRM, and token protection to control access.
Device restrictions
Prevent misuse by limiting the number of devices accessing the platform and maintaining control.
Secure video streaming
Protect your videos with no streaming concurrency, dynamic watermarking, content validity, and non-downloadable formats.
Anti-screen recording
Prevent unauthorized screen recording or mirroring of your content to eliminate piracy risks.

Robust content security
Safeguard your content with login authentication, encryption, DRM, and token protection to control access.
Device restrictions
Prevent misuse by limiting the number of devices accessing the platform and maintaining control.
Secure video streaming
Protect your videos with no streaming concurrency, dynamic watermarking, content validity, and non-downloadable formats.
Anti-screen recording
Prevent unauthorized screen recording or mirroring of your content to eliminate piracy risks.

Explore our help center for detailed information, troubleshooting guides, and more
Are there any extra costs associated with security features?
Can I turn off security features on my platform?
Do you have DRM integrated on the platform?
Is there any limit on these security features?
Do you provide security features for PDFs too?
Success stories of our partners

Rahul Devkar
Creator | Business School for Creative Minds
LinkedIn followers
Graphy helped me launch my business online! With their inbuilt live classes i have taught 1500+ students in just one year. I have helped dozens of creators launch their courses online using graphy.
Rahul Devkar
Creator | Business School for Creative Minds
LinkedIn followers

Niladri Bihari
Trainer | ISKCON Brahmapur
YouTube subscribers
I was looking for a Digital Learning Platform for my Two Not-For-Profit initiatives but I didn't want to compromise on any of the advanced features of a modern LMS. Graphy was "THE" solution ticking all the checkboxes of our need.
Niladri Bihari
Trainer | ISKCON Brahmapur
YouTube subscribers

Neeraj Arora
Master Coach | Skill91
800+ K
YouTube subscribers
Graphy has got all the elements to make our Coaching & Online Courses business a success
Neeraj Arora
Master Coach | Skill91
800+ K
YouTube subscribers

Sanchit Kalra
Founder | Be Your Best
YouTube subscribers
Navigating through the platform and accessing its features is a breeze, even for someone who may not be tech-savvy.
Sanchit Kalra
Founder | Be Your Best
YouTube subscribers

Sujata Dutta
Founder | Designers Mastermind Hub
YouTube subscribers
Most user friendly platform that I have come across And loaded with features and benefits :)
Sujata Dutta
Founder | Designers Mastermind Hub
YouTube subscribers

Ankur Warikoo
Founder | WebVeda
5.78 M
YouTube subscribers
Graphy is a truly all-in-one platform that covers every aspect of scaling my business seamlessly
Ankur Warikoo
Founder | WebVeda
5.78 M
YouTube subscribers

Rahul Devkar
Creator | Business School for Creative Minds
LinkedIn followers
Graphy helped me launch my business online! With their inbuilt live classes i have taught 1500+ students in just one year. I have helped dozens of creators launch their courses online using graphy.
Rahul Devkar
Creator | Business School for Creative Minds
LinkedIn followers

Niladri Bihari
Trainer | ISKCON Brahmapur
YouTube subscribers
I was looking for a Digital Learning Platform for my Two Not-For-Profit initiatives but I didn't want to compromise on any of the advanced features of a modern LMS. Graphy was "THE" solution ticking all the checkboxes of our need.
Niladri Bihari
Trainer | ISKCON Brahmapur
YouTube subscribers

Neeraj Arora
Master Coach | Skill91
800+ K
YouTube subscribers
Graphy has got all the elements to make our Coaching & Online Courses business a success
Neeraj Arora
Master Coach | Skill91
800+ K
YouTube subscribers

Sanchit Kalra
Founder | Be Your Best
YouTube subscribers
Navigating through the platform and accessing its features is a breeze, even for someone who may not be tech-savvy.
Sanchit Kalra
Founder | Be Your Best
YouTube subscribers

Sujata Dutta
Founder | Designers Mastermind Hub
YouTube subscribers
Most user friendly platform that I have come across And loaded with features and benefits :)
Sujata Dutta
Founder | Designers Mastermind Hub
YouTube subscribers

Ankur Warikoo
Founder | WebVeda
5.78 M
YouTube subscribers
Graphy is a truly all-in-one platform that covers every aspect of scaling my business seamlessly
Ankur Warikoo
Founder | WebVeda
5.78 M
YouTube subscribers
Check out our offerings that will help you grow
Website builder
Take your online presence to new heights with our intuitive website builder
Mobile app
Get a pre-built mobile app that will captivate your customers
Marketing tools
Graphy's marketing tools helps you capture more leads & scale your knowledge business
Chat community
Boost member retention through engaging chat interactions
Graphy Assist
Boost your revenue with no effort with our innovative Graphy Assist
Integrated payment gateways
Activate your payments in one click and collect $ from your sales in no time.
Third party support
Seamlessly connect with preferred third-party tools.
Advanced sales insights
Expand your client base and sell with precision
Email marketing
Expand your client base and sell with precision
Leave security to us, you start selling
Get top-notch security to protect your content from piracy and unauthorized access.