
Plans that adapt to your growth

Get the complete Graphy experience — from launch to scale

Billed Monthly
Billed Yearly
Upto 28% savings
Tailored for creators


0% transaction fee
Unlimited products
10,000 contacts
1 Admin account
Upto 300 webinar participants
Basic integrations
5k Marketing emails
Built for businesses


0% transaction fee
Unlimited products
Both Android and iOS apps
25,000 contacts
10 Admin account
Upto 500 webinar participants
Advanced integrations
10k Marketing emails
Suited for brands


0% transaction fee
Unlimited products
Both Android and iOS apps
1,00,000 contacts
25 Admin account
Upto 500 webinar participants
API & SSO Support
All integrations
50k Marketing emails
Remove Graphy branding
Need help? Go ahead and schedule a call with our team!
Every plan comes with
No-code website builder with beautiful templates
Keep track of your sales with real-time reporting
Offer discounts and run promotions on your platform
Collect payments with Stripe or any other payment gateway that suits you
Gather deep insights into your marketing with conversion tracking
Offer exclusive paid memberships to your audience
Sell globally with country-specific pricing
Secure your platform with SSL certificates
Unlimited email and push notifications
Custom domain
Custom roles for all team members
Live chat and email support
Create and launch unlimited courses
Your app, with your branding
In-built tracking for Affiliate marketing
Host and teach unlimited learners
Unlimited live sessions
Offer certificates to your learners

Access your course potential

Know your worth and harness the power of your creations
How big is your audience
Starting from scratch? Let's estimate your initial base
Price your offerings
Estimate the fair price for your valuable content
per year


Explore our help center for detailed information, troubleshooting guides, and more

Do you take any revenue share on every sale?

Is there a refund policy?

How can I pay for my Graphy account?

Are there any academic discounts on Graphy?

Let's start your journey

Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit. Launch your online business with Graphy and seize success on your own terms