In this blog, we will discuss how to make a logo for your brand or the company. 

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Do you know that a logo is one of the essential parts of any business? Without having a logo your business doesn’t have any identity. Well, have you ever tried designing a logo for your business? In case you haven’t but still do you desire to learn how to make a logo? Learning to make a logo is a good idea as you can genuinely save a good amount of money if you are starting out.

However, the importance of a logo is what you should know before you launch your brand, as your logo is the identity of your business in the market.

Now stop wondering how to design a logo? Logo design definitely takes skill and experience. But certain features of the process come with a lot of practice and working with different brands if you are a logo designer. However, the perfect logo is aligned with the right product. Whereas starting a new logo design project can feel overwhelming as there’s a lot to think about. However, developing a new logo design from scratch means viewing how to perfectly capture and communicate the brand’s personality. However, sometimes updating any current logo means you need to consider.

If you need our advice, then read our blog till the end on how to make a logo that will help you to create for your next big project.

Now, let’s dive into the 5 steps to creating a logo.

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How to make a logo – 5 easy steps

Well, before we get into the steps, let’s quickly explain to you What is a logo?

Here is the definition.

A logo is a design used to identify a company. To explain in simple words – it identifies. It’s how your company is identified and recognized among people and it is also the face of your business.

So remember, a logo may play an essential role.

A logo:

However, your brand is intangible and also your reputation. What do people believe when they hear your name, what do they tell others about you, and how do you make them feel. Your brand is built from various touchpoints. 

However, logos are part of the picture, but they’re not the entire world. They’re just one idea within a larger visual system like colors, typography, photography, visuals, layout, etc.

Your logo isn’t going to make or break your business and also, indeed. However, the best logo can’t save a corrupt business, nor can the worst logo.  

Now that it’s clear what a logo can is, let’s start the design process.

We have divided how to make a logo process into 5 easy steps:

  • Research your brand
  • Learn about logo design
  • Understand color, font, and symbol ideas
  • Make a logo
  • Test and finalize

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Step 1: Research your brand

Most of us does mistakes at this part and we take this step very lightly. It’s an essential step in any major project to make your logo thriving and long-lasting, for this, you’ll need to set a solid basis. And to set a solid foundation, the key is only doing proper research. Building a strong brand essence helps your company gain credibility and become noticeable as you grow. Before you plunge into your logo design, ask these questions to yourself.

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Who is my ideal customer and what brands do they like

Remember, checking out your ideal customer and target market will help you to create a better understanding of the design. If you’ve already got a few customers then talk to them about their lifestyle, buying decisions, and insights related to your product or service.

Where will I be using my logo frequently

Where you plan to display your logo will have a huge impact on the design. Think about the applications that matter most. However, keeping your logo design easy with a clean layout will help guarantee it looks great everywhere. Here, we will let you know about a few places where you can upload your logo.

  • Online: Website headers and favicons, invoices, receipts email signatures,
  • Social media: Cover photos, image posts, ads, profile photos
  • Print: Business cards, posters, clothing, packaging

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Step 2: Learn and know about logo design

To learn how to make a logo you don’t need fancy editing software. Believe it or not, you can make a logo by yourself in five minutes with any online logo maker or any course-building website like Graphy, where they have this feature. 

But before you start your logo design, here’s what you need to know.  

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Though the quality of a logo is subjective, still it is essential.

However, most of the best logos are simple, amazing, versatile and suitable for the industry and target market the business is serving. They should also be effortlessly recognizable and define the brand. In comparison, unsuccessful logos are complicated and confusing, which leads to poor brand distinction and versatility. 

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Step 3: Understand color, font, and symbol ideas

Now is the time to use the logo research and ideas to target your market and brand attributes. 

Let’s get into colors, fonts, and symbols now.

Logo colors

Selecting a color for your logo design isn’t just about choosing the best color. Think about how your audience will sense it and where it will be shown mostly. Different colors elicit has different feelings and emotions, so choose them according to your brand’s image. Pay attention to the colors your competitors use, but same time it should be different and unique.

To help you decide, we will talk about each color and how it can look when you use it in your logo.

  • Black: It is the color of energy and sophistication. It can also display dignity and courtesy.
  • Blue: It is the color of professionalism and victory. Typically used in corporate logos.
  • Orange: It is the color of joy and positiveness. Results in an enthusiastic and excited association. It is also great at capturing attention.
  • Green: It is the color of balance and stability. Commonly used when brands want to emphasize a connection with the environment, health, and calmness.
  • Pink: It is the color feminine and encouraging. Turning on the shade have a gentle and soothing effect.  
  • Red: It is the color of confidence and purpose. Frequently used to represent masculine energy, and found to promote appetite and energy.
  • Yellow: It is the color of happiness and positivity. It frequently captures the eye. However, it is meant to improve self-esteem and also boost appetite and increase energy.
  • White: It is the color pure and simple. Traditionally associated with purity, cleanliness, purity, and simplicity.
  • Grey: It is the color for classic and serious. Becoming a more popular color. Grey is a great color to use if you want to gain a mature look.
  • When you finalize your logo, you should also have a black and white version but test this before finalizing.

Next what? You have already got information about your question which you asked – How to make a logo? But when thinking about colors, use that color that suits your brand and your business. Take your time and understand first and then take the right decision. 

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The majority of brands use between 2-3 colors. But of course, there are some companies like Google, eHarmony, and Slack that use a collection of colors in their logos.

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Option 1: Create your logo from scratch

If you already have some design experience, then you can use software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, or even opt for hiring a designer to create your logo. However, using your tools and expertise gives you total independence in creating the logo design and also saves money.

Option 2: Purchase a logo template and make it according to your choice

Another option is to go with a template as few companies offer free or paid logo templates that you can customize by making edits to the company name, and colors. These tools allow you to create your designs with a much more intuitive and smart innovation platform.

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Step 5: Test and finalize

Once you’ve designed a logo, it’s time to do testing. Here are a few questions you should preach before finalizing your business logo design:

Is my logo scalable

However, if you have a scalable logo you can display it anywhere. How about on your business cards? When you’ve got a scalable logo, wherever you decide to put it, it will look neat and crisp and will remain easy to read and remember. You also need to check that your logo works at both large and small sizes and remains readable.

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We hope now you are stress-free and knew how to make a logo on your own for your business. It may sound daunting initially, but when you sit creating it, no looking back.

When you are making it, don’t rush to finish it, take your own space and make it. If you need our help, we have expert designers at Graphy who can help you create a logo as per your choice for your online course business.

How to make a logo in 2022

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