YouTube Monetization Strategies: From Views to Revenue Streams

“Ask a kid today in the U.S. what they want to be when they grow up. No longer is musician or athlete the top answer. It's a YouTuber—an answer 3x more popular than astronaut”. This statement by Forbes, speaks volumes about the cultural shift towards online videos and its potential for building a successful career, in today’s world.

This trend extends beyond entertainment. Selling videos and video-based courses is becoming increasingly popular, providing a lucrative opportunity for course creators to reach a larger audience and build a profitable online business. The main player in this emerging trend is YouTube, the largest online video platform in the world.

Why YouTube?

“If you take a traditional job where you're employed by somebody else, you can't actually be yourself,” says Josh Constine, an experienced public speaker, journalist and head of content at SignalFire. As mentioned in the quote, Self-expression is extremely important in the present day. We define ourselves through what we do and how we spend our time.

Being a creator, this freedom of expression can also be accompanied by financial freedom. But how do you achieve that financial freedom, especially on platforms like YouTube, where anyone can become a creator and share their passions with a global audience? This guide dives into how to monetize your videos on YouTube, helping you achieve both self-expression and financial success.

How to monetize your videos on YouTube?

You've poured your heart and expertise into crafting high-quality video content for your online course. Now, you're looking for ways to turn those captivating lessons into sustainable income.

The good news? 2024 is a fantastic time to be a video entrepreneur. YouTube provides a powerful platform to turn your video skills into a revenue stream. It offers several features that can help you achieve this goal! Here's how you can get started:

Step 1: Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

Think of YPP as YouTube's official club for creators who want to monetize their content. To join, your channel needs to meet some basic requirements, like having a certain number of subscribers and watch hours. These requirements are clearly outlined on YouTube's website. Once you meet the criteria, you can apply for YPP and unlock access to various monetization features.

Step 2: Explore Your Monetization Options

Once you're a YPP member, you can choose how you want to earn from your videos:

  • Ad Revenue: This is a popular option. You enable ads on your videos, and YouTube shares revenue generated when viewers watch or click on the displayed advertisements.
  • Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive content and perks to viewers who subscribe to your paid channel membership. This fosters a closer connection with your dedicated fans who are willing to support you directly.
  • Super Chat & Super Stickers: During live streams or premieres, viewers can pay to highlight their messages in the chat. It's a way to monetize audience engagement and foster a sense of community.
  • YouTube Premium Revenue: A portion of YouTube Premium subscription fees goes towards creators whose content is watched by premium members. This means you get rewarded simply for creating quality content that the viewers enjoy!
  • YouTube monetization options

Step 3: Optimize Your Videos for Success.

To maximize your earning potential, focus on creating high-quality, engaging videos that keep viewers coming back for more. Additionally:

  • Research relevant keywords: This helps viewers discover your content through search.
  • Write compelling titles and descriptions: Make your videos stand out in search results.
  • Promote your channel across platforms: Build your audience base and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.
How to make your videos stand out on YouTube?

Now, you have come across the strategies to monetize your videos on YouTube. But, is it always a smooth ride? Absolutely not. Monetizing videos on YouTube comes with its own challenges. It is important to understand some things before you dive in.

Is it Easy to Make Money on YouTube? Not Quite

Earning money from your YouTube videos sounds great, right? YouTube does offer ways to do this, but it's not quite as simple as just uploading videos and watching the cash roll in. There are some limitations and things to analyze, especially for course creators who are new to YouTube monetization. Here's a breakdown to help you navigate the process.

1. Getting Started:

  • Joining the Club: The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) lets you use most money-making features. To join, your channel needs to reach a certain number of viewers, minimum subscriber count and watch time. Meeting this YPP criteria can be a hurdle for new creators.

Channel Thresholds

Minimum Requirements

Channel memberships

  • 500 subscribers.
  • 3 public uploads in the last 90 days.


  • 3,000 public watch hours on long-form videos in the last 365 days.
  • 3 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Be at least 18 years old

Live in a country where channel memberships is available

Have accepted the Commerce Product Module or formerly available Commerce Product Addendum

Channel isn’t set as Made for Kids and doesn’t have a significant number of videos set as made for kids or ineligible

Not a music channel under SRAV

Full requirements can be found here

Shopping (your own products)

  • 500 subscribers.
  • 3 public uploads in the last 90 days.


  • 3,000 public watch hours on long-form videos in the last 365 days.
  • 3 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Meet subscriber threshold or be an Official Artist Channel

Channel isn’t set as Made for Kids and doesn’t have a significant number of videos set as made for kids

Channel doesn’t have a significant number of videos that violate our Channel Monetization Policies

Your channel hasn’t received any Hate Speech Community Guideline Strikes

​Full requirements can be found here

Super Chat & Super Stickers

  • 500 subscribers.
  • 3 public uploads in the last 90 days.


  • 3,000 public watch hours on long-form videos in the last 365 days.
  • 3 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Be at least 18 years old

Live in a country/region where Super Chat and Super Stickers are available

Have accepted the Commerce Product Module or formerly available Commerce Product Addendum

Full requirements can be found here

Super Thanks

  • 500 subscribers.
  • 3 public uploads in the last 90 days.


  • 3,000 public watch hours on long-form videos in the last 365 days.
  • 3 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Be at least 18 years old

Live in a country/region where Super Thanks is available

Have accepted the Commerce Product Module or formerly available Commerce Product Addendum

Channel is not a music channel under SRAV

Full requirements can be found here

Ad revenue

  • 1,000 subscribers


  • 4,000 public watch hours on long form videos in the last 365 days
  • 10 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days

Be at least 18 years old, or have a legal guardian older than 18 years of age who can handle your payments via AdSense for YouTube

Create content that meets our advertiser-friendly content guidelines

Live in a country/region where YPP is available

Accept the relevant contract Modules

YouTube Premium revenue

Accept the relevant contract modules

Create content watched by a viewer who is a YouTube Premium subscriber

Shopping (products from other brands)

  • 10,000 subscribers


  • 4,000 public watch hours on long-form videos in the last 365 days
  • 10 million public Shorts views in the last 90 days

Meet subscriber threshold

Live in KR, ID, or the US

Channel is not a music channel, an Official Artist Channel, or associated with music partners. Music partners may include music labels, distributors, publishers, or VEVO.

Channel isn’t set as Made for Kids and doesn’t have a significant number of videos set as made for kids

Full requirements can be found here

Source: How to earn money on YouTube

  • Not All Videos Earn: Some video topics might not be a good fit for ads. YouTube has rules about what kind of content can show ads, so some of your videos might not earn money that way.

  1. Limited Audience Appeal: Content with a very specific niche might not be ideal for displaying ads.
  2. Content Age Restrictions: Platforms may limit ads on videos with age restrictions.
  3. Potentially Sensitive Topics: Consider the emotional impact of video content on viewers when it comes to ad placement.
  4. Copyright Considerations: Using copyrighted material can restrict ad display on your video.
  5. Video Length Optimization: Average-length videos might be better suited for ad placements than extremely long videos.
  6. Production Quality and Branding: High-quality video and audio production can improve ad suitability.
  7. Video Engagement Metrics: Videos with low viewership or engagement might not be attractive to advertisers.
  8. Content Legality: Videos promoting illegal activities are not eligible for ads.
  9. Promotional Balance: Content with excessive self-promotion might not be a good fit for displaying ads.
  10. Accuracy and Objectivity: Videos containing misinformation might not be suitable for ads due to platform policies.

2. Making Money with YouTube:

  • Minimum Payouts: Many features have earning thresholds before payouts are issued. This means that, even if you start earning from ads or other features, you might not see any money right away. YouTube has a minimum amount you need to reach before they send you a payment.
  • Earnings Can Change: The amount you earn from ads can fluctuate depending on who watches your videos (viewer demographics) and how they interact with the ads (ad engagement). It's not always a steady income.
Making money on YouTube

3. Building a YouTube Business:

  • Time and Effort: It can take a long time to build a big enough audience on YouTube to make a good amount of money from ads. You'll need to keep creating great content and getting people interested in your channel.
  • Standing Out is Tough: The creator landscape on YouTube is vast and competitive. There are a lot of creators on YouTube, so it can be hard to get noticed. You'll need to come up with creative ideas and keep improving your videos to stand out from the crowd.

While building a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort, there are other ways to leverage your expertise and potentially generate income in a much easier way. Let us look into the alternative and solution to these challenges of YouTube monetization.

Beyond YouTube Ads: Exploring an Effective Alternative.

We've explored various ways to monetize your videos on YouTube. We have also learned how building a significant income through YouTube ads can take time and dedication. Here's where online course platforms come in.

Imagine this: you take your existing YouTube videos, which provide you with valuable knowledge and expertise, and transform them into a structured, premium course. This is exactly what online course platforms allow you to do.

Here's how online course platforms can be a powerful alternative to relying solely on YouTube monetization:

  • Faster Path to Income: Set your own course price and start earning from your content sooner than waiting for ad revenue to accumulate.
  • Direct Connection with Students: Interact directly with your students, answer their questions, and build a loyal following within your course community.
  • Reach Beyond YouTube: Promote your course beyond YouTube's search algorithms, expanding your audience and potential student base.
  • Content Ownership & Control: You have complete control over your course content and pricing structure, offering more flexibility than YouTube's monetization features.

Online course platforms are a great way to level up your earning potential and maximize the value of your expertise. They offer a flexible and potentially faster path to building a steady income from your knowledge and passion.

Building Your First Course on an Online Course Creation Platform

Now that you're ready to turn your YouTube knowledge into an online course, let's understand the specifics of using an Online Course Creation Platform! While features might differ slightly between platforms, here's a step-by-step roadmap to guide you through the course creation process on an Online Course Platform:

Step 1: Choose Your Online Course Platform & Explore Features

  • Research & Compare Platforms: Different Online Course Platforms offer various features and pricing structures. Consider factors like course hosting, student management tools, marketing integrations, and pricing flexibility before choosing.
  • Navigate the Platform: Most Online Course Platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and tutorials. Explore the platform's features to familiarize yourself with content creation tools, student management options, and communication tools.

Read more about: Top 5 Platforms to Sell Online Courses in 2024

Step 2: Create a New Course

  • Course Setup: Look for an option to "Create a New Course" or similar wording. Provide a clear and concise title and a captivating description that highlights the benefits students will gain.
  • Organize Your Course Structure: Most Online Course Platforms allow you to create modules or sections to organize your course content logically. Arrange your modules in a way that facilitates a smooth learning progression.
How to create an online course?

Step 3: Upload & Enhance Your Content

  • Content Options: Online Course Platforms typically allow uploading various content formats like videos, PDFs, audio files, and text lectures. Choose the format that best suits each module or lesson.
  • Leverage Existing Videos: Instead of creating new content from scratch, Upload your high-quality YouTube videos that align with your course topic.
  • Enrich Your Content: While repurposing existing videos is great, explore options to enhance them. Consider adding quizzes, downloadable resources like cheat sheets or templates, or interactive elements like polls or discussions within the Online Course Platform itself. These features might be under "Content Management" or similar sections.

Step 4: Engage and Support Your Students

  • Discussion Forums: Locate the platform's tools for creating discussion forums. This fosters interaction and allows students to ask questions, share their progress, and learn from one another.
  • Student Communication: Identify how students can contact you with questions or concerns. Some Online Course Platforms offer built-in messaging systems, while others might rely on email functionality. Ensure clear instructions are provided within the course for students to reach you.
How to engage your students?

Step 5: Publish Your Course & Market It

  • Preview & Test: Before launching, preview your course as a student would to ensure everything functions correctly. Polish any areas that need improvement.
  • Publishing, Pricing & Marketing: Once satisfied, look for the "Publish Course" option or similar. Set your desired course price and explore any marketing tools offered by the Online Course Platform to promote your course to potential students.

The Ideal Platform for Your Online Course Creation Journey

Having explored the exciting potential of online courses, the next crucial step is selecting the optimal platform to execute your goals. Choosing the perfect online course platform can feel overwhelming with so many options offering various features.

If you're looking for an Online course platform that allows you to create and sell courses without straining your wallet, Graphy is an amazing option. Here's why Graphy stands out:

  • Budget-Friendly: Create and sell courses on a budget, without hefty upfront costs. Graphy customizes its pricing structure to your needs.
  • User-friendly Course Builder: Build engaging courses with ease using Graphy's drag-and-drop builder, without the need for coding.
  • All-in-One Platform: Graphy provides everything you need under one roof – website and mobile app creation, intuitive course-building tools, marketing automation features, and student management.
  • Unlimited Access: Benefit from unlimited access to features like digital product hosting, student enrollment, and secure payment gateways.
  • Community & Engagement: Create a vibrant community around your course with built-in features like discussion forums and an affiliate marketing program that motivates others to promote.
  • The best online course creation platform- Graphy

Graphy is a revolutionary tool for course creators. It offers a comprehensive set of tools at a reasonable price, making it a one-stop solution for you.

It's time to make some money!

The world of online video creation offers exciting possibilities for monetization. By leveraging YouTube's features and exploring effective alternative options like online course platforms, you can turn your expertise into a sustainable income stream. So, if you're passionate about sharing your knowledge and building a successful online business, this is a great time to get started!